Senator Richard Shelby (R)

Voting Record
Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
202072Danly Confirmation (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)Dirty Energy, Clean Energy, Climate Change
202060MacGregor Confirmation (Interior Deputy Secretary) Dirty Energy, Climate Change, Lands/Forests, Oceans, Drilling, Wildlife
201977Bernhardt Confirmation (Interior Secretary) Climate Change, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Other
201968Wyrick Confirmation (District Court for Western District of Oklahoma)Other, Justice & Democracy
2018228Clark Confirmation (Assistant Attorney General, DOJ Environment and Natural Resources Division)Climate Change, Clean Air, Clean Water, Judiciary
2017323Anti-Environmental Tax Bill that Opens Drilling in the Arctic RefugeLands/Forests, Dirty Energy, Drilling
2017245Budget Resolution Paving the Way for Drilling in the Arctic RefugeLands/Forests, Dirty Energy, Drilling
2017166Bernhardt Confirmation (Deputy Secretary, Interior)Climate Change, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Other
2017125Extreme Assault on the Methane and Waste Prevention Rule (CRA)Climate Change, Dirty Energy, Lands/Forests
201775Zinke Confirmation (Interior Secretary)Climate Change, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Other
201751Assault on the Anti-Corruption Rule for Fossil Fuel Companies (CRA)Toxics/Public Right to Know, Dirty Energy
201238Arctic Refuge & Offshore Drilling & KXLClimate Change, Dirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
201136Sweeping Environmental Funding and Policy AssaultAir, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Water, Wildlife
2007416Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable EnergyClean Energy, Transportation, Climate Change
2007226Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable EnergyClean Energy, Transportation, Climate Change
2007225Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable EnergyClean Energy, Transportation, Climate Change
199034Controlling Toxic Emissions from Motor VehiclesAir, Transportation, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1982736Environmental Safeguards for Disposal of Military Nuclear WasteDirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1982647Elimination of "Common Law" Legal Rights of Hazardous Waste VictimsToxics/Public Right to Know
2022394Undermining Environmental Review and Mandating Gas PipelineDirty Energy, Environmental Justice, Other
2022325Transformational Climate Investments (Inflation Reduction Act) (2X Score)Climate Change, Clean Energy, Clean Air, Environmental Justice
2022325Transformational Climate Investments (Inflation Reduction Act)Climate Change, Clean Energy, Clean Air, Environmental Justice
2022321Anti-Climate Fossil Fuel Industry HandoutsClean Energy, Dirty Energy, Transportation, Climate Change
2022306 Undermining Environmental Review and Mandating Coal LeasingDirty Energy, Environmental Justice, Climate Change, Public Lands/Forests
2022300Undermining Bedrock Environmental StatutesDirty Energy, Environmental Justice, Clean Air and Clean Water, Other
2022283Undercutting Public Input and Environmental ReviewClimate Change, Environmental Justice, Other
2021357Build Back Better Budget ResolutionClimate Change, Clean Energy, Environmental Justice, Public Lands/Forests
2021320Eliminating Safeguards on Fossil Fuel ProductionDrilling, Dirty Energy, Climate Change, Oceans, Public Lands/Forests
2021303Defunding the Civilian Conservation Corps and Wildland Firefighting Climate Change, Public Lands/Forests, Other
2021298Restarting Construction of the Harmful Border WallWildlife, Public Lands/Forests, Environmental Justice
2021231Jackson Confirmation (D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals)Judiciary, Climate Change, Justice & Democracy
2021116Regan Confirmation (EPA Administrator)Other, Climate Change, Water, Air, Environmental Justice
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