2013 Scorecard Vote

Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline (KXL)
Senate Roll Call Vote 61
Issues: Climate Change, Dirty Energy, Water

Senator John Hoeven (R-ND) sponsored a non-binding Sense of the Senate amendment to S. Con. Res. 8, the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Resolution, which would support the approval and construction of the harmful Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. The Keystone XL pipeline would transfer the world’s dirtiest and most carbon-polluting oil through the American heartland to be exported at an international shipping port on the Gulf Coast. The pipeline would threaten our waterways and agricultural lands with oil spills and dramatically worsen climate change, while doing nothing to increase America’s energy security. On March 22, the Senate approved the Hoeven amendment by a vote of 62-37 (Senate roll call vote 61). NO IS THE PRO-ENVIRONMENT VOTE. The non-binding amendment went no further and a final decision is expected from President Obama in 2014.

is the
pro-environment position
Votes For: 62  
Votes Against: 37  
Not Voting: 1  
Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
Senator Party State Vote