Senator John Barrasso (R)

John Barrasso
Phone: 202-224-6441
2023 Score
Lifetime Score

2021 Note: Senator Barrasso voted against Deb Haaland's nomination in a business meeting of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee on March 4. He was absent for roll call vote 119 due to a blizzard in Wyoming.


Voting Record

Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
Roll CallVote Name
2020224Barrett Confirmation (Supreme Court)Judiciary
2020222Barrett Cloture Vote (Supreme Court)Judiciary
2020126Inadequate Policing Reform Judiciary, Other
2020121Great American Outdoors ActLands/Forests
202072Danly Confirmation (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)Dirty Energy, Clean Energy, Climate Change
202060MacGregor Confirmation (Interior Deputy Secretary) Dirty Energy, Climate Change, Lands/Forests, Oceans, Drilling, Wildlife
202014USMCA Trade DealClimate Change, Other
2019339Undermining the Land and Water Conservation FundLands/Forests
2019300Jorjani Confirmation (Interior Solicitor) Other, Lands/Forests
201977Bernhardt Confirmation (Interior Secretary) Climate Change, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Other
201968Wyrick Confirmation (District Court for Western District of Oklahoma)Other, Justice & Democracy
201944Rao Confirmation (D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals)Other, Justice & Democracy
201933Wheeler Confirmation (EPA Administrator) Climate Change, Clean Air, Clean Water
201929Miller Confirmation (Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals)Other, Justice & Democracy
201922Public Lands PackageLands/Forests
201920Undermining the Antiquities ActLands/Forests
2018259Farm Bill Conference ReportClimate Change, Clean Water
2018254McNamee Confirmation (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)Climate Change, Clean Air
2018228Clark Confirmation (Assistant Attorney General, DOJ Environment and Natural Resources Division)Climate Change, Clean Air, Clean Water, Judiciary
2018223Kavanaugh Confirmation (Supreme Court)Judiciary
2018222Kavanaugh Cloture Vote (Supreme Court)Judiciary
201884Pompeo Confirmation (Secretary of State)Climate Change, Other
201880Bridenstine Confirmation (NASA Administrator)Climate Change
201877Exposing Waterways to Invasive SpeciesWildlife, Clean Water
201871Wheeler Confirmation (EPA Deputy Administrator)Climate Change, Clean Air, Clean Water
2017323Anti-Environmental Tax Bill that Opens Drilling in the Arctic RefugeLands/Forests, Dirty Energy, Drilling
2017268Wehrum Confirmation (Assistant Administrator, EPA)Climate Change, Clean Air, Other
2017245Budget Resolution Paving the Way for Drilling in the Arctic RefugeLands/Forests, Dirty Energy, Drilling
2017243Protecting the Arctic RefugeLands/Forests, Dirty Energy, Drilling
2017166Bernhardt Confirmation (Deputy Secretary, Interior)Climate Change, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Other
2017125Extreme Assault on the Methane and Waste Prevention Rule (CRA)Climate Change, Dirty Energy, Lands/Forests
201792Blocking Wildlife Protections in Alaska (CRA)Wildlife, Lands/Forests
201782 Blocking Local Input about Public Lands (CRA)Lands/Forests, Toxics/Public Right to Know
201779Perry Confirmation (Energy Secretary) Climate Change, Clean Energy, Other
201775Zinke Confirmation (Interior Secretary)Climate Change, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Other
201771Pruitt Confirmation (EPA Administrator) Climate Change, Clean Air, Clean Water, Other
201751Assault on the Anti-Corruption Rule for Fossil Fuel Companies (CRA)Toxics/Public Right to Know, Dirty Energy
201743Extreme Assault on the Stream Protection Rule (CRA)Water, Dirty Energy
201736Tillerson Confirmation (Secretary of State) Climate Change, Other
2016153Revenue Sharing for Offshore DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy, Oceans
201662Water Conservation ProgramWater, Climate Change
201658Attack on Advanced Vehicles Transportation
201652Victory Bonds for Clean EnergyClean Energy
201651Wind Energy Transmission Line Clean Energy
201650Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)Lands/Forests
201649Encouraging Energy-Efficient HomesClean Energy
201637Genetically Modified Food LabelingToxics/Public Right to Know
201614Taxpayer Handouts for Fossil Fuel CompaniesDirty Energy
201613Limiting Public SafeguardsOther
201612Fast Tracking Natural Gas PipelinesDirty Energy, Lands/Forests
201611Energy EfficiencyClean Energy
201610National MonumentsLands/Forests
20169Clean Energy FundingClean Energy
2015238Climate Change Science EducationClimate Change
2015115Responding to the Threat of Climate ChangeClimate Change
2015106Selling Off America's Public LandsLands/Forests
201549Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline (KXL)Dirty Energy
201544Renewable Electricity Standard (RES)Clean Energy
201543Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)Lands/Forests
201540Clean Energy Tax CreditsClean Energy
201537National MonumentsLands/Forests
201535Prairie-Chicken ProtectionsWildlife
201534Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) ExportsDirty Energy
201520International Climate ActionClimate Change
201519Forcing Tar Sands Polluters to Pay for SpillsDirty Energy
201517Prioritizing Drilling on Public LandsLands/Forests
201512Climate Change ScienceClimate Change
2014280Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline (KXL)Climate Change, Dirty Energy
2014157Clean Energy Tax CreditsClean Energy
201478Undermining Flood Insurance ReformClimate Change
2013180McCarthy Confirmation (EPA)Air, Water
2013151Border FenceLands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
2013145Advancing Conservation in the Farm BillWater, Lands/Forests, Wildlife
2013119Clean Water ProtectionsWater
201394Jewell Confirmation (DOI)Lands/Forests, Wildlife
201376Climate Change SafeguardsClimate Change
201361Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline (KXL)Climate Change, Dirty Energy, Water
201359Pricing Carbon PollutionClimate Change
201346Big Oil BudgetOther
201341Military Investments in Advanced BiofuelsClean Energy, Dirty Energy
20134Disaster Relief for Hurricane SandyLands/Forests, Wildlife, Climate Change, Other
2012206Military Investments in Alternative FuelsClean Energy
2012155Conservation ComplianceLands/Forests, Water
2012148Conservation on Private FarmlandsLands/Forests, Water
2012106Genetically Engineered SalmonWildlife, Oceans, Other
201263Oil Subsidies & Clean Energy IncentivesDirty Energy, Clean Energy
201247Environmental Review in Transportation RebuildingOther, Transportation
201239Clean Energy Tax IncentivesClean Energy
201238Arctic Refuge & Offshore Drilling & KXLClimate Change, Dirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
201234Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline (KXL)Climate Change, Dirty Energy, Water
201232Gulf Coast Restoration & Land and Water Conservation FundLands/Forests, Oceans, Water
201228Offshore DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy
2011202Broad Environmental Assault (S. 1720)Air, Dirty Energy, Drilling, Water, Wildlife
2011196Broad Environmental Assault (S.1786)Air, Climate Change, Other
2011190Gutting Transportation EnhancementsTransportation
201190Ending Ethanol SubsidiesDirty Energy
201187Regulatory RollbacksOther
201173Offshore Drilling Dirty Energy, Drilling
201172Oil SubsidiesDirty Energy, Drilling
201154Global Warming Pollution Climate Change
201136Sweeping Environmental Funding and Policy AssaultAir, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Water, Wildlife
2010275Funding Renewable EnergyClean Energy
2010234Biodiesel Tax CreditDirty Energy, Lands/Forests
2010187Cutting Oil SubsidiesDrilling, Clean Energy, Dirty Energy
2010184Dirty Air Act (2x Score)Climate Change, Air
2010184Dirty Air ActClimate Change, Air
2010173Lead Paint ProtectionsToxics/Public Right to Know
2010172Border Fence ConstructionWildlife, Lands/Forests
2009307National Security and Climate ChangeClimate Change
2009298Environmental FundingOther
2009297Land and Water Conservation FundLands/Forests, Water
2009295Defunding Environmental and Energy StaffClimate Change, Clean Energy
2009293Offshore DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy
2009292Water ResourcesWater, Oceans, Wildlife
200982Polar Bear Protections and Global WarmingWildlife, Climate Change
200964Clean Energy RecoveryClean Energy, Transportation
20091Public Lands ProtectionLands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
2008206Oil ShaleDirty Energy, Clean Energy, Lands/Forests
2008192Clean Energy Tax CreditsClean Energy
2008187Low-Income Energy AssistanceClean Energy
2008150Clean Energy Tax CreditsClean Energy
2008146Energy Prices: Environmental and Consumer ProtectionDrilling, Dirty Energy, Clean Energy
2008145Global WarmingClimate Change
2008142Environmental FundingOther
2008134Offshore DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy
2008123Arctic Refuge and Offshore DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy
2008117Wind InsuranceClimate Change, Lands/Forests, Other
2008101Public Lands ProtectionLands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
2007429Eminent DomainLands/Forests, Other
2007425Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable EnergyClean Energy, Transportation
2007424Farm Bill -- Subsidy CapsLands/Forests
2007417Farm Bill -- Subsidy ReformLands/Forests
2007416Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable EnergyClean Energy, Transportation, Climate Change
2023303Undoing the Tailored Buy America Waiver for EV ChargersClean Air, Transportation, Climate Change
2023283Blocking Environmental, Public Health, Consumer, and Worker ProtectionsClean Air, Clean Water, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, Appropriations, Other
2023279Defunding Access to VotingAppropriations, Justice & Democracy
2023267Obstructing Money-Saving Energy Efficiency CodesClean Energy, Climate Change, Appropriations
2023193Uhlmann Confirmation (Assistant Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency)Environmental Justice, Clean Air, Clean Water, Confirmations
2023187Bloomekatz Confirmation (6th Circuit Court of Appeals)Justice & Democracy, Confirmations
2023174Torres Small Confirmation (Deputy Secretary of Agriculture)Agriculture, Public Lands & Oceans, Confirmations
2023162Ho Confirmation (Southern District of New York)Justice & Democracy, Confirmations
2023145Blocking Forced Approval of the Mountain Valley PipelineDirty Energy, Climate Change, Clean Water, Environmental Justice, Justice & Democracy
2023132Abudu Confirmation (11th Circuit Court of Appeals)Justice & Democracy, Confirmations
2023122Thwarting Critical Habitat for Threatened SpeciesWildlife, Other
202398Blocking Limits on Pollution from TrucksClean Air, Transportation, Climate Change, Environmental Justice
202379Attacking the Clean Water Restoration Rule Clean Water
202335Ignoring Climate Risks to Retirement SavingsClimate Change, Dirty Energy, Other
2022394Undermining Environmental Review and Mandating Gas PipelineDirty Energy, Environmental Justice, Other
2022362Protecting Marriage EqualityJustice & Democracy
2022350Freeman Confirmation (Third Circuit Court of Appeals)Justice & Democracy
2022346Disclosing Money in PoliticsJustice & Democracy
2022325Transformational Climate Investments (Inflation Reduction Act) (2X Score)Climate Change, Clean Energy, Clean Air, Environmental Justice
2022325Transformational Climate Investments (Inflation Reduction Act)Climate Change, Clean Energy, Clean Air, Environmental Justice
2022321Anti-Climate Fossil Fuel Industry HandoutsClean Energy, Dirty Energy, Transportation, Climate Change
2022320Restarting Construction of the Harmful Border WallLands/Forests, Environmental Justice
2022306 Undermining Environmental Review and Mandating Coal LeasingDirty Energy, Environmental Justice, Climate Change, Public Lands/Forests
2022305Eliminating Cost-saving Home Energy Efficiency Program Clean Energy, Other
2022300Undermining Bedrock Environmental StatutesDirty Energy, Environmental Justice, Clean Air and Clean Water, Other
2022293Striking EPA Funding for Climate ActionClimate Change, Clean Air
2022291Mandatory Oil and Gas Leasing on Public LandsDrilling, Dirty Energy, Public Lands/Forests
2022289Elimination of Superfund Tax Environmental Justice, Toxics, Clean Air and Clean Water
2022283Undercutting Public Input and Environmental ReviewClimate Change, Environmental Justice, Other
2022170Restoring the Right to Abortion AccessJustice & Democracy
2022157Hampering Presidential Emergency Actions on ClimateClimate, Clean Energy
2022148Expanding Dirty and Dangerous Offshore DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy, Oceans
2022134Jackson Confirmation (Supreme Court)Justice & Democracy
202211Thomas Confirmation (Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals)Justice & Democracy
202210Changing Filibuster Rules to Pass Democracy ReformsJustice & Democracy
2021459Restoring the Voting Rights ActJustice & Democracy
2021420Voting Rights and Democracy ReformsJustice & Democracy
2021401Stone-Manning Confirmation (BLM Director) Other, Public Lands/Forests
2021357Build Back Better Budget ResolutionClimate Change, Clean Energy, Environmental Justice, Public Lands/Forests
2021346Promoting Polluting Energy SourcesDirty Energy, Climate Change, Air
2021320Eliminating Safeguards on Fossil Fuel ProductionDrilling, Dirty Energy, Climate Change, Oceans, Public Lands/Forests
2021303Defunding the Civilian Conservation Corps and Wildland Firefighting Climate Change, Public Lands/Forests, Other
2021298Restarting Construction of the Harmful Border WallWildlife, Public Lands/Forests, Environmental Justice
2021279Kim Confirmation (DOJ-ENRD Assistant Attorney General)Other, Environmental Justice
2021246Voting Rights and Democracy ReformsJustice & Democracy
2021231Jackson Confirmation (D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals)Judiciary, Climate Change, Justice & Democracy
2021203Clarke Confirmation (DOJ-CRD Assistant Attorney General)Justice & Democracy, Other
2021175Repealing Assault on Methane Pollution SafeguardsClimate Change, Dirty Energy
2021150Mallory Confirmation (Council on Environmental Quality Chair) Other, Environmental Justice
2021125Becerra Confirmation (Health and Human Services Secretary)Other, Environmental Justice
2021119Haaland Confirmation (Interior Secretary) Other, Public Lands/Forests
2021116Regan Confirmation (EPA Administrator)Other, Climate Change, Water, Air, Environmental Justice
2021114Garland Confirmation (Attorney General)Other, Justice & Democracy
2021113Fudge Confirmation (Housing and Urban Development Secretary) Other, Environmental Justice
202186Striking Provisions to Help Farmers of ColorEnvironmental Justice, Agriculture
202170Raimondo Confirmation (Commerce Secretary) Other, Oceans
202166Granholm Confirmation (Energy Secretary)Other, Clean Energy
202159Impeachment for Incitement of InsurrectionJustice & Democracy
202143Bolstering the Dirty Water RuleClean Water
202132Supporting the Destructive Keystone XL PipelineDirty Energy, Environmental Justice
202128Promoting Drilling for Fossil FuelsDirty Energy, Drilling
202111Buttigieg Confirmation (Transportation Secretary)Other, Transportation
20212Certifying Pennsylvania’s Electoral VotesJustice & Democracy
20211Certifying Arizona’s Electoral VotesJustice & Democracy
No votes match the selected filters.
YearScorePro-environment voteAnti-environment vote
Roll CallVote NameIssuesVoteSend a Message
30Wright Confirmation (Secretary of Energy)Dirty Energy
26Burgum Confirmation (Secretary of the Interior)Public Lands & Oceans, Wildlife, Confirmations
24Zeldin Confirmation (EPA Administrator)Clean Air, Climate Change, Clean Energy, Confirmations
94Berner Confirmation (4th Circuit Court of Appeals)Confirmations, Justice & Democracy
176Blocking Gas Furnace Efficiency StandardsClean Energy, Clean Air, Climate Change
142Obstructing EPA’s Cleaner Cars RuleTransportation, Climate Change
121Blocking the Transportation Climate Measure Transportation, Climate Change
61Overriding the Veto of Undoing the Tailored Buy America Waiver for EV ChargersClean Air, Transportation, Climate Change