Senator Dean Heller (R)

Voting Record
Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
2018228Clark Confirmation (Assistant Attorney General, DOJ Environment and Natural Resources Division)Climate Change, Clean Air, Clean Water, Judiciary
2017323Anti-Environmental Tax Bill that Opens Drilling in the Arctic RefugeLands/Forests, Dirty Energy, Drilling
2017245Budget Resolution Paving the Way for Drilling in the Arctic RefugeLands/Forests, Dirty Energy, Drilling
2017166Bernhardt Confirmation (Deputy Secretary, Interior)Climate Change, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Other
2017125Extreme Assault on the Methane and Waste Prevention Rule (CRA)Climate Change, Dirty Energy, Lands/Forests
201775Zinke Confirmation (Interior Secretary)Climate Change, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Other
201751Assault on the Anti-Corruption Rule for Fossil Fuel Companies (CRA)Toxics/Public Right to Know, Dirty Energy
201238Arctic Refuge & Offshore Drilling & KXLClimate Change, Dirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
2011147Sweeping Environmental Funding and Policy AssaultAir, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Water, Wildlife
20071140Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable Energy IIIClean Energy, Climate Change, Transportation
2007832Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable Energy IIClean Energy, Climate Change
2007827Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable Energy IClean Energy, Climate Change
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