Senator J. Exon (D)
2023 Score
Lifetime Score
Voting Record
Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
1996259Nuclear Waste StorageToxics/Public Right to Know, Dirty Energy Toxics/Public Right to Know, Dirty Energy,
1996146Public Lands Sell-OffOther, Dirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife Other, Dirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife,
199650Grazing IILands/Forests, Wildlife, Water Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Water,
199648Grazing ILands/Forests, Wildlife, Water Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Water,
1995525Drilling IIDirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife Dirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife,
1995470Crippling the EPAOther, Water, Air, Toxics/Public Right to Know Other, Water, Air, Toxics/Public Right to Know,
1995306Right to Know LessToxics/Public Right to Know, Other Toxics/Public Right to Know, Other,
1995190Drilling IDirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife Dirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife,
1994175Nuclear Pork BarrelDirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know Dirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know,
1992167Nuclear Testing BanDirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know Dirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know,
1991242National Energy SecurityDirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Water Dirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Water,
1991119Nuclear Waste CleanupDirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know Dirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know,
199035Clean Cars and Clean FuelAir, Transportation, Toxics/Public Right to Know Air, Transportation, Toxics/Public Right to Know,
1988475Nuclear LiabilityDirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know Dirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know,
1986665Hawaiian Highway, H-3Transportation, Lands/Forests, Wildlife Transportation, Lands/Forests, Wildlife,
1986642Forest RoadsLands/Forests, Wildlife Lands/Forests, Wildlife,
1985270SynfuelsDirty Energy Dirty Energy,
1982857Soil ConservationLands/Forests, Toxics/Public Right to Know Lands/Forests, Toxics/Public Right to Know,
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