Representante Terri Sewell (D)
2018 Note: Representative Sewell entered statements into the Congressional Record noting how she would have voted on roll call votes 153, 243, 246, 250, 257 and 328, which all would have been scored as pro-environment.
2016 Note: Representative Sewell entered a statement into the Congressional Record noting how she would have voted on roll call vote 453, which would have been scored as pro-environment.
2023 Nota: La Representante Sewell presentó una declaración en el Registro del Congreso señalando cómo hubiera votado en las votaciones nominales 391, 580, 581, 582, 587, 592, 594, 595 y 597, que habrían sido calificadas como favorables al medio ambiente. Estuvo ausente en las votaciones 580-597 por haber asistido a un funeral.