2017 Scorecard Vote
The Senate considered President Trump's nomination of Scott Pruitt to serve as the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA and its leader are charged with protecting human health and the environment – our air, water, and land. In his role as the Oklahoma attorney general, Pruitt sued the EPA 14 times, attempting to block efforts to cut carbon pollution and weaken safeguards for our air and water. Pruitt has repeatedly denied the overwhelming scientific consensus that climate change is real and caused by human activity and has extremely close ties to fossil fuel interests. During his confirmation process, Pruitt refused repeated requests to turn over email correspondence between his Oklahoma attorney general’s office and oil and gas companies. By ignoring sound science and showing no interest in upholding our nation’s bedrock environmental and public health laws, Pruitt failed to meet the most basic standards needed to perform this job in good faith. On February 17, the Senate confirmed Pruitt to be the EPA administrator by a vote of 52-46 (Senate roll call vote 71). NO IS THE PRO-ENVIRONMENT VOTE.
pro-environment position