Senator Donald Stewart (D)

Donald Wilbur Stewart
2023 Score
Lifetime Score
Not in Office

Voting Record

Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
Roll CallVote Name
1980948Nuclear ProliferationDirty Energy, Other
1980902Tennessee-Tombigbee WaterwayLands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
1980886Strip Mining IIDirty Energy
1980884Strip Mining IIIDirty Energy, Lands/Forests
1980862Alaska Lands IIILands/Forests, Wildlife
1980836Nuclear WasteDirty Energy
1980832Workplace EnvironmentOther
1980814Alaska Lands IILands/Forests, Wildlife
1980813Alaska Lands IVLands/Forests, Wildlife
1980812Alaska Lands ILands/Forests, Wildlife
1980770Garrison DiversionLands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
1980756Clean AirAir
1980607Water Project BudgetWater
1979449Windfall Profits TaxClean Energy, Dirty Energy
1979420River of No ReturnLands/Forests
1979394Energy Conservation IClean Energy
1979389Synthetic Fuels IClean Energy, Dirty Energy
1979358Synthetic Fuels IIDirty Energy
1979330Energy Mobilization Board IIOther
1979328Energy Mobilization Board IOther
1979320Energy Conservation IIClean Energy
1979284Acre LimitationsWater
1979272Strip Mining IDirty Energy
1979269Endangered Species: Tellico Dam ILands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
1979263Pollution RegulationsAir
1979180Endangered Species: Tellico Dam IILands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
1979179Dickey-Lincoln DamLands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
1979174Nuclear PowerDirty Energy
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