Representative Steve King (R)

Iowa, District 4
2020 Note: Representative King entered statements into the Congressional Record noting how he would have voted on roll call votes 122, 135, 136, 138, 142, and 182, which would have been scored as anti-environment.
Voting Record
Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
2020166Pro-Environment Funding Package Other, Environmental Justice, Water, Dirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests
2020138Investing in Climate-Ambitious InfrastructureClimate Change, Clean Energy, Transportation, Water, Environmental Justice
2019390Eliminating EPA's Chemical Hazard Assessment Program, IRISToxics/Public Right to Know, Clean Water, Clean Air
2018392Undermining NEPA Review in Liquefied Natural Gas ProjectsClimate Change, Dirty Energy, Drilling
2017699Anti-Environmental Tax Bill that Opens Drilling in the Arctic RefugeLands/Forests, Dirty Energy, Drilling
2017589Budget Resolution Paving the Way for Drilling in the Arctic RefugeLands/Forests, Dirty Energy, Drilling
201778Extreme Assault on the Methane and Waste Prevention Rule (CRA)Climate Change, Dirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests
201772Assault on the Anti-Corruption Rule for Fossil Fuel Companies (CRA)Toxics/Public Right to Know, Dirty Energy
2016422Methane Pollution from Drilling on Public LandsClimate Change, Drilling, Dirty Energy, Lands/Forests
2012603Broad Environmental AssaultAir, Climate Change, Dirty Energy, Lands/Forests, Toxics/Public Right to Know, Water
2012170Environmental Assault in the Transportation BillClimate Change, Dirty Energy, Other, Transportation, Water
201271Drilling Everywhere to Fund TransportationClimate Change, Dirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
2011147Sweeping Environmental Funding and Policy AssaultAir, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Water, Wildlife
20071140Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable Energy IIIClean Energy, Climate Change, Transportation
2007832Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable Energy IIClean Energy, Climate Change
2007827Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable Energy IClean Energy, Climate Change
2003380Klamath Wildlife Refuge Farming LeasesWater, Wildlife, Lands/Forests, Toxics/Public Right to Know
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