1993 Scorecard Vote
Environmentalists have long advocated shifting federal budget priorities for energy research away from coal and other fossil fuels, and towards energy conservation. Coal is inexpensive, but it is one of the most polluting sources of energy. Despite its shortcomings, the Department of Energy provided $184 million in subsidies for the already well-studied areas of coal research and development.
President Clinton sought to reduce federal funding for coal research and development in fiscal 1994. Over his recommendation, the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee increased public funding for research.
During floor debate on the fiscal 1994 House Interior Appropriations bill (H.R. 2520), Rep. Robert Walker (R-PA) offered an amendment to cut $50 million in funding for coal research and development. Of the savings, his amendment transferred $25 million to energy conservation research and development to partially restore a significant cut from the President's budget. The remaining $25 million was for deficit reduction. The amendment was agreed to by 276-144 on July 15, 1993. YES is the pro-environmental vote.
pro-environment position