Senator Tim Hutchinson (R)

Tim Hutchinson
2023 Score
Lifetime Score
Not in Office

Voting Record

Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
Roll CallVote Name
2002207Trade and EnvironmentOther
2002167Yucca MountainToxics/Public Right to Know, Dirty Energy
200290Fuel EconomyClean Energy, Transportation
200289Energy EfficiencyClean Energy
200287Renewable Fuel Liability WaiverToxics/Public Right to Know
200284Municipal Solid Waste IncinerationDirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know
200281Dam RelicensingOther, Water, Wildlife
200271Arctic Drilling (2x Score)Drilling, Dirty Energy, Lands/Forests, Wildlife
200271Arctic DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy, Lands/Forests, Wildlife
200255Renewable Energy ResourcesClean Energy
200250Renewable Energy ResourcesClean Energy
200248Fuel EconomyClean Energy, Transportation
200247Fuel EconomyClean Energy, Transportation
200243Drinking Water ProtectionWater, Dirty Energy
200242Nuclear Accident LiabilityDirty Energy, Other
200224Water ConservationWater, Wildlife
200215Factory FarmsOther, Water
2001365Regulatory WaiversOther
2001261Farm Conservation FundingLands/Forests
2001242Graham NominationOther
2001232Klamath Endangered SpeciesWater, Wildlife
2001231Gulf DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy
2001229Monuments DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy
200151Campaign Finance ReformOther
20016Norton NominationOther
2000232Missouri River Water ControlWater, Wildlife, Other
2000224Hardrock MiningLands/Forests, Toxics/Public Right to Know
2000208National MonumentsLands/Forests
2000207Timber Sales SubsidiesLands/Forests
2000175GrazingLands/Forests, Wildlife, Water
200058Drilling in the ArcticDrilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Dirty Energy
20008Nuclear WasteToxics/Public Right to Know, Dirty Energy
1999370Mountaintop MiningDirty Energy, Water, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1999290Oil RoyaltiesDirty Energy, Drilling
1999289Oil RoyaltiesDirty Energy, Drilling
1999275Fuel Efficiency StandardsClean Energy, Transportation
1999272Forest Service Fish and Wildlife ProgramsLands/Forests, Wildlife
1999266Wildlife SurveysWildlife, Lands/Forests
1999223Mining Waste DisposalToxics/Public Right to Know, Lands/Forests
1999171Funding Renewable EnergyClean Energy
199956Commercial Fishing in Glacier BayOceans, Wildlife
1998268Blocking Mining ReformToxics/Public Right to Know, Lands/Forests
1998197Weakening Land Use Protections -- "Takings"Other, Lands/Forests
1998177Transferring Public Lands to a Bombing RangeLands/Forests, Wildlife
1998148Nevada Nuclear Waste DumpToxics/Public Right to Know, Dirty Energy
199879Selling Public LandsLands/Forests
199867Tax Breaks for Mining on Public LandToxics/Public Right to Know, Lands/Forests
199865Environmental Funding PrioritiesOther, Lands/Forests, Water, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1997247American Heritage RiversWater, Lands/Forests
1997242Logging Roads SubsidiesLands/Forests, Wildlife
1997177Animas-La Plata Irrigation ProjectWater, Wildlife
1997131Subsidy for Hard Rock Mining CompaniesToxics/Public Right to Know, Lands/Forests
199759Pave the ParksLands/Forests
199742Nevada Nuclear Waste DumpToxics/Public Right to Know, Dirty Energy
1996358Renewable Energy ResearchClean Energy
1996357Subsidizing Nuclear PowerDirty Energy
1996354Pork Barrel Water ProjectWater, Wildlife, Other
1996279SuperfundToxics/Public Right to Know
1996266Logging RoadsLands/Forests, Wildlife
1996262Logging Without LawsLands/Forests
1996253Redwoods and Endangered SpeciesLands/Forests, Wildlife
1996251Federal Land AcquisitionLands/Forests
1996207Climate Change ResearchClimate Change
1996131Wildlife RefugesWildlife, Lands/Forests
199655Anti-Environment Riders IIOther, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Clean Energy
199635Sugar SubsidyOther
19965Anti-Environment Riders IOther, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Clean Energy
1995799Alaska Forest / Mining GiveawayLands/Forests
1995762Crippling the EPA IIOther, Water, Air
1995667Closing National ParksLands/Forests
1995605Crippling the EPA IOther, Water, Air
1995509California Desert -- Mojave PreserveLands/Forests, Wildlife
1995488Funding Renewable EnergyClean Energy
1995337Dirty Water Act (2x Score)Water
1995337Dirty Water ActWater
1995240Logging Without LawsLands/Forests
1995183Safeguards RollbackOther
1994--Bad Drinking WaterWater, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1994366Nuclear Pork Barrel -- 2Dirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1994362Development in ParksLands/Forests
1994360Protection from Radon GasToxics/Public Right to Know
1994355California Desert -- Revoke ProtectionLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994325California Desert -- Endangered SpeciesLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994317California Desert -- Land AcquisitionLands/Forests
1994316California Desert -- Hunting in ParkLands/Forests
1994315California Desert -- Livestock GrazingLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994271Coal SubsidyDirty Energy
1994261Presidio ParkLands/Forests
1994260A New Biological SurveyWildlife, Lands/Forests
1994234Nuclear Pork Barrel -- 1Dirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1994233California Desert -- Motor Vehicle UseLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994231California Desert -- Off-Road VehiclesLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994173Montana Wilderness -- Subsidized RoadsLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994172Montana Wilderness -- Scientific StudyLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994--Renewable Energy FundingClean Energy
1994--Redwood Forest ProtectionLands/Forests
1994--Food SafetyToxics/Public Right to Know
1993609Hazardous Waste CleanupToxics/Public Right to Know
1993576Mining Law ReformLands/Forests
1993569Mining Law ReformLands/Forests
1993484National Biological Survey and "Takings"Wildlife, Other, Lands/Forests
1993483National Biological Survey and "Takings"Lands/Forests, Other, Wildlife
1993482Advanced Solid Rocket MotorAir, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1993465Livestock Grazing on Public LandLands/Forests
1993334Protecting Wildlife HabitatWildlife, Lands/Forests
1993331Coal SubsidiesDirty Energy, Clean Energy
1993323Stopping the Timber GiveawayLands/Forests
1993267Nuclear Pork Barrel SpendingDirty Energy
1993264Protecting the Everglades EcosystemWater, Wildlife, Lands/Forests
1993232Global Population CrisisOther
1993190Wastewater CleanupWater
1993--Wetlands DestructionLands/Forests, Water
1993--Endangered Species ActWildlife
1993--Endangered Species ActWildlife
1993--Desert ProtectionWildlife, Lands/Forests
1993--Arctic WildernessWildlife, Lands/Forests
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