Representative Peter Barca (D)

Wisconsin, District 1
2023 Score
Lifetime Score
Not in Office

Voting Record

Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
Roll CallVote Name
1994--Bad Drinking WaterWater, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1994366Nuclear Pork Barrel -- 2Dirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1994362Development in ParksLands/Forests
1994360Protection from Radon GasToxics/Public Right to Know
1994355California Desert -- Revoke ProtectionLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994325California Desert -- Endangered SpeciesLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994317California Desert -- Land AcquisitionLands/Forests
1994316California Desert -- Hunting in ParkLands/Forests
1994315California Desert -- Livestock GrazingLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994271Coal SubsidyDirty Energy
1994261Presidio ParkLands/Forests
1994260A New Biological SurveyWildlife, Lands/Forests
1994234Nuclear Pork Barrel -- 1Dirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1994233California Desert -- Motor Vehicle UseLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994231California Desert -- Off-Road VehiclesLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994173Montana Wilderness -- Subsidized RoadsLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994172Montana Wilderness -- Scientific StudyLands/Forests, Wildlife
1994--Renewable Energy FundingClean Energy
1994--Redwood Forest ProtectionLands/Forests
1994--Food SafetyToxics/Public Right to Know
1993609Hazardous Waste CleanupToxics/Public Right to Know
1993576Mining Law ReformLands/Forests
1993569Mining Law ReformLands/Forests
1993484National Biological Survey and "Takings"Wildlife, Other, Lands/Forests
1993483National Biological Survey and "Takings"Lands/Forests, Other, Wildlife
1993482Advanced Solid Rocket MotorAir, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1993465Livestock Grazing on Public LandLands/Forests
1993334Protecting Wildlife HabitatWildlife, Lands/Forests
1993331Coal SubsidiesDirty Energy, Clean Energy
1993323Stopping the Timber GiveawayLands/Forests
1993267Nuclear Pork Barrel SpendingDirty Energy
1993264Protecting the Everglades EcosystemWater, Wildlife, Lands/Forests
1993232Global Population CrisisOther
1993--Wetlands DestructionLands/Forests, Water
1993--Endangered Species ActWildlife
1993--Endangered Species ActWildlife
1993--Desert ProtectionWildlife, Lands/Forests
1993--Arctic WildernessWildlife, Lands/Forests
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