Senator Tom Coburn (R)
![Tom Coburn](
Voting Record
Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
201238Arctic Refuge & Offshore Drilling & KXLClimate Change, Dirty Energy, Drilling, Lands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
201136Sweeping Environmental Funding and Policy AssaultAir, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Water, Wildlife
2007416Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable EnergyClean Energy, Transportation, Climate Change
2007226Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable EnergyClean Energy, Transportation, Climate Change
2007225Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable EnergyClean Energy, Transportation, Climate Change
1999528Interior Appropriations RidersOther, Lands/Forests, Dirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know, Drilling
1999473Interior Appropriations RidersOther, Lands/Forests, Dirty Energy, Toxics/Public Right to Know
1998334Removing Anti-Environment EPA RidersOther, Air, Water, Climate Change, Toxics/Public Right to Know
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