1988 Scorecard Vote
A major debate continues in Congress concerning the fate of the 1.5 million acre coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in the northeastern corner of Alaska. The oil and gas industry want to open up the Arctic Refuge to exploration, development, and production. Environmentalists believe it must be preserved as wilderness because of its remoteness, fragility, and tremendous value to wildlife. It is the calving area for the 180,000 Porcupine caribou herd, an important denning area for polar bears, and provides rich habitat for many other species as well. We have other, more practical ways to meet our energy needs without plundering this area (see next vote for detail).
Congressman Mo Udall (D-AZ) has introduced H.R. 39, a bill to designate the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as a wilderness. Co-sponsorship of this bill is counted as a pro-environmental position.
pro-environment position