1974 Scorecard Vote

Right to Know
Senate Roll Call Vote 806
Issues: Toxics/Public Right to Know, Other

Amendments to the Freedom of Information Act (H.R. 12471). The vote is on the Hart amendment to limit the grounds under which records compiled for law enforcement purposes could be withheld from the public. The amendment would shift the burden of proof from citizens to the government, to show that information sought would directly impair enforcement proceedings or deprive a person of basic constitutional rights. Under present law, for example, the Environmental Protection Agency will give polluters information about their violation of the Clean Air Act, but keep it secret from the public until after they have already reached a compromise agreement with the industry. The amendment will enable citizens to better participate in enforcement actions in many federal pollution laws. The Nixon Administration took no position on the amendment. Adopted 51-33. May 30, 1974. YES is the correct vote.

is the
pro-environment position
Votes For: 51  
Votes Against: 33  
Not Voting: 16  
Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
Senator Party State Vote