Representative John Kuhl (R)

John R. Kuhl
New York, District 29
2023 Score
Lifetime Score
Not in Office

Voting Record

Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
Roll CallVote Name
2008614No Child Left InsideOther
2008598Gutting Renewable EnergyClean Energy, Dirty Energy, Drilling
2008467Public Transportation GrantsTransportation, Clean Energy
2008382Environmental FundingOther
2008344Clean Energy Tax Credits IIClean Energy
2008343Undermining Clean Energy Tax CreditsClean Energy
2008321Arctic Refuge, Offshore, Western DrillingDrilling, Lands/Forests, Dirty Energy, Wildlife
2008258Farm Bill -- Subsidy ReformLands/Forests
2008226Public Lands ProtectionLands/Forests, Water, Wildlife
2008174National Landscape Conservation SystemLands/Forests
2008172Public Lands GrazingLands/Forests
200884Clean Energy Tax Credits IClean Energy
200816Green Building StandardsClean Energy
20071140Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable Energy IIIClean Energy, Climate Change, Transportation
20071033Hardrock MiningLands/Forests, Toxics/Public Right to Know
20071030Hardrock MiningLands/Forests, Toxics/Public Right to Know
2007832Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable Energy IIClean Energy, Climate Change
2007827Energy Legislation: Fuel Efficiency and Clean, Renewable Energy IClean Energy, Climate Change
2007754Grasslands ProtectionLands/Forests, Wildlife
2007747Farm Bill -- Subsidy ReformLands/Forests
2007579Environmental FundingOther
2007577Oil ShaleDrilling, Dirty Energy
2007563Tongass Logging RoadsLands/Forests, Wildlife
2007558Mexican Wolf RecoveryWildlife
2007556Clean AirAir
2007555Reducing Global WarmingClimate Change
2007552Offshore DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy
2007526Electric Transmission CorridorsLands/Forests
2007337Global Warming and National SecurityClimate Change
2007135Clean WaterWater, Toxics/Public Right to Know
200791Liquid CoalDirty Energy, Climate Change
200740Oil Subsidies RepealDrilling, Clean Energy, Dirty Energy
2006356Offshore DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy
2006232Oil RefineriesDirty Energy, Air
2006209Arctic National Wildlife RefugeDrilling, Lands/Forests, Wildlife, Dirty Energy
2006170Offshore DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy
2006169Clean WaterWater
2006168Tongass Logging RoadsLands/Forests, Wildlife
2006167Drilling RoyaltiesDrilling, Dirty Energy
2006165Toxics Release InventoryToxics/Public Right to Know
2006151Salvage LoggingLands/Forests, Wildlife
2006147Salvage LoggingLands/Forests, Wildlife
200666Low-Income Energy AssistanceClean Energy
200632Food SafetyToxics/Public Right to Know, Other
2005666Arctic National Wildlife RefugeDrilling, Dirty Energy, Lands/Forests, Wildlife
2005601Public Lands Sell-OffLands/Forests, Dirty Energy
2005519Air Pollution and Oil RefineriesDirty Energy, Air, Lands/Forests
2005506Endangered SpeciesWildlife
2005445Energy Conference ReportDrilling, Dirty Energy
2005377Water ProjectsWater
2005192Natural Gas DrillingDrilling, Dirty Energy
2005149Arctic National Wildlife RefugeDrilling, Dirty Energy, Lands/Forests, Wildlife
2005132Energy BillDrilling, Dirty Energy, Wildlife, Lands/Forests
2005131Natural Gas FacilitiesDirty Energy
2005130Environmental JusticeToxics/Public Right to Know, Dirty Energy
2005129MTBE LiabilityToxics/Public Right to Know, Water
2005122Arctic National Wildlife RefugeDrilling, Dirty Energy, Lands/Forests, Wildlife
2005121Fuel EconomyClean Energy, Transportation
2005115Oil RefineriesDirty Energy, Air, Lands/Forests
200588Environmental Funding CutsOther
200529Border Construction ExemptionLands/Forests, Wildlife
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