2024 Recent Vote

Threatening Public Lands with Mining
Cámara Votación Nominal 191
Tema: Public Lands & Oceans

Representative Mark Amodei (R-NV) sponsored H.R. 2925, the Mining Regulatory Clarity Act of 2024, which would convey rights to permanently occupy public lands to any mining claimant, including foreign mining companies. Under this bill, anyone–for a nominal fee–could gain permanent rights to occupy public lands and preclude all other uses, even without evidence of minerals available to mine. This would lead to unintended consequences, including preventing recreational, traditional and cultural uses, and renewable energy development and transmission on public lands under the claim. On May 8, the House approved H.R.2925 by a vote of 216-195 (House roll call vote 191). NO IS THE PRO-ENVIRONMENT VOTE.

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