2024 Recent Vote
The House considered S.J. Res. 38, a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution of disapproval, which would repeal the Federal Highway Administration’s tailored Buy America waiver and replace it with a general waiver. The CRA is an extreme and blunt tool that is being used by anti-environmental members of Congress who want to permanently strip away protections for our environment, communities, wildlife, and natural heritage. This resolution would hinder efforts to expand the electric vehicle charging network, while also hurting U.S. manufacturing workers and communities. Since the establishment of the tailored waiver, electric vehicle service equipment (EVSE) manufacturers have announced more than $27 million in investments for new facilities across the country. Such investments have the potential to create good union jobs for workers building and installing EVSE equipment. The more general waiver that this resolution seeks to reinstate in place of the tailored waiver would slow down the EV transition at the expense of these same workers. On January 11, the House approved S.J. Res. 38 by a vote of 209-198 (House roll call vote 8). NO IS THE PRO-ENVIRONMENT VOTE.The Senate passed S.J. Res. 38 on November 8, 2023. It was vetoed by the president on January 24, and on February 29, the Senate failed to override the president’s veto
pro-environment position