2022 Scorecard Vote
The House considered en bloc amendment 297 to H.R. 8294, the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, Rural Development, Energy and Water Development, Financial Services and General Government, Interior, Environment, Military Construction, and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act, 2023. This en bloc amendment compiled a series of amendments that would have undermined the historic funding levels for environmental programs in the underlying bill and attacked the Biden-Harris administration’s actions to combat the climate crisis. These amendments would have blocked funding for environmental justice programs, the Defense Production Act Domestic Clean Energy Accelerator, efforts to electrify the federal vehicle fleet, President Biden’s executive order to expand access to voting, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s proposed climate risk disclosure rule, offshore wind programs, climate resilience programs for Native Nations, and programs to protect endangered species from trophy hunting in Africa. On July 19, the House rejected en bloc amendment 297 by a vote of 197-230 (House roll call vote 371). NO IS THE PRO-ENVIRONMENT VOTE.
pro-environment position