2015 Scorecard Vote
Representative Steve Pearce (R-NM) offered an amendment to H.R. 2822, the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016, which would block any efforts to raise the royalty rates on oil and gas produced on onshore federal public lands. Oil companies pay a significantly lower royalty rate when drilling on public land, as compared to offshore or on state lands, which means a far lower return to taxpayers for the production of their natural resources. On July 8, the Pearce amendment was approved by a vote of 231-198 (House roll call vote 408). NO IS THE PRO-ENVIRONMENT VOTE. H.R. 2822 was pulled from the floor and the Pearce amendment was not included in H.R. 2029, the FY16 spending deal, which President Obama signed into law on December 18.
pro-environment position