1973 Scorecard Vote

Land Use II
Senate Roll Call Vote 205
Issues: Lands/Forests, Transportation

Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act of 1973 (S. 268). The vote is on passage of the bill, to provide grants to the states to establish land use planning programs that would regulate development in areas of "critical environmental concern" and around key facilities such as airports and highway interchanges. One provision would require the participating states to regulate large subdivisions such as second home developments. Environmentalists strongly supported the legislation as a means to control irresponsible and destructive development. The Nixon administration also supported the bill. June 21, 1973. Passed 64-21. Yes is the correct vote.

is the
pro-environment position
Votes For: 64  
Votes Against: 21  
Not Voting: 14  
Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
Senator Party State Vote