2018 Voto de la Tarjeta de Evaluaciones

McNamee Confirmation (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)
Senado Votación Nominal 254
Tema: Cambio Climático, Aire Limpio

The Senate considered President Trump’s nomination of Bernard McNamee to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). An independent agency that oversees transactions in the U.S. wholesale power market, FERC has historically been a non-partisan entity that is committed to ensuring just and reasonable energy rates. However, in McNamee’s previous role at the Department of Energy, he took steps to bailout the coal industry and weaken renewable energy’s growing foothold in the U.S. power sector. As an outspoken climate doubter and renewable energy critic, it is clear McNamee is unable to be a non-partisan, unbiased FERC commissioner. On December 6, the Senate confirmed McNamee to FERC by a vote of 50-49 (Senate roll call vote 254). NO IS THE PRO-ENVIRONMENT VOTE.

es el
voto pro-ambientalista
Votos a Favor: 50  
Votos en Contra: 49  
No Votar: 1  
Acción a favor del ambiente
Acción en contra del ambiente
Ausencia (cuenta como negativo)
Ausencia justificada (no cuenta)
Inelegible para votar
Senador Partido Estado Voto