2010 Voto de la Tarjeta de Evaluaciones
Elevated carbon dioxide emissions are not only a problem for our atmosphere. Excess carbon dioxide is also absorbed by our oceans, and is leading to changes in the chemistry of seawater in a process known as ocean acidification. A more acidic ocean could wipe out species, disrupt the food web and have an adverse impact on fishing, tourism, and other important economic activities. Increased acidity also reduces carbonate -- the mineral used to form the shells and skeletons of many shellfish and corals -- and leads to slowed growth and weaker shells, similar to the effects of osteoporosis in humans.
On June 9, Representative Jay Inslee (D-WA) made a motion to suspend the rules and adopt resolution H. Res. 989 to express the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States should adopt national policies and pursue international agreements to prevent ocean acidification, study the impacts of ocean acidification, and address the effects of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and coastal economies. Under a suspension of the rules, a two-thirds majority of those present and voting is required for adoption. The motion was rejected by a vote of 241–170 (House roll call vote 341). YES IS THE PRO-ENVIRONMENT VOTE.
voto pro-ambientalista