1993 Voto de la Tarjeta de Evaluaciones
In the Clean Water Act, Congress set an important goal for the country: by 1985, American industries, utilities, and municipalities would limit polluting discharges into our sewers and rivers. However, the nation today remains far from this goal. The federal government has helped to reduce one major source of pollution by providing grants or loans to build and upgrade public wastewater treatment plants. However, the Environmental Protection Agency still identifies over $100 billion in unmet public sewage treatment needs.
The fiscal 1993 Supplemental Appropriations bill included $290 million more in federal aid for the construction of wastewater facilities (adding to the $2 billion in the original fiscal 1993 appropriation), and waived the requirement that states commit 20% in matching funds. However, Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN) offered an amendment to reinstate the state matching requirements and to reduce the federal commitment to $200 million, representing a $90 million cut in funding for the construction of wastewater treatment facilities. The amendment was rejected 175-246, so the funding level remained at $290 million. May 26, 1993. NO is the pro-environment vote.
voto pro-ambientalista