1987 Voto de la Tarjeta de Evaluaciones
The Clean Water Act is the major law designed to control the pollution of our lakes, rivers, and streams. On January 8, 1987, Congress passed a bill to strengthen and reauthorize the Act, but President Reagan vetoed it. The bill authorized appropriations of $18 billion through fiscal 1994 in federal aid to state and local governments for construction of sewage treatment plants and authorized more than $2.14 billion for other water pollution control programs.
This vote was on a Dole (R-KS) substitute to reduce funding from $18 billion down to $12 billion through fiscal 1994. This substitute, which was supported by President Reagan, would have eliminated the state revolving loan fund and the non-point source program to curb polluted runoff from farms and urban areas. Environmentalists had fought hard to get those provisions into the bill. The Dole substitute was rejected by a vote of 17-82 on January 21, 1987. The Senate subsequently passed the pro-environmental reauthorization proposal and then overrode the President's veto (see also House vote #1). NO is the pro-environmental vote.
voto pro-ambientalista