1984 Voto de la Tarjeta de Evaluaciones
This was the largest of all wilderness designations passed by Congress in 1984. It permanently protected 1.8 million acres of wild National Forest land in California from mining, logging, or other development. In memory of the late photographer, it created the Ansel Adams Wilderness in his beloved Sierra mountains. It also designated 1.4 million acres of National Park land as wilderness, increasing protection for parts of Yosemite National Park and Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park.
This was a compromise bill which cut almost half a million acres from the original House proposal. It was opposed by some members of the California House delegation because it prevented development of the Tuolomne River and Mono Lake. The bill stopped a dam on the Tuolomne, which is one of the four finest whitewater rivers in the country according to the U.S. Forest Service. It also protected Mono Lake from logging and geothermal development. This lake contains one of America's most unique and spectacular geological formations. Unfortunately the lake is still threatened by water diversion.
This vote was on whether to forbid weakening amendments to the compromise bill supported by environmentalists. Rule to consider the bill without amendments adopted 295-112; September 12, 1984. YES is the pro-environmental vote. (Adoption of the Rule, H. Res. 573, providing for consideration of the California Wilderness Act, H.R. 1437.) The Reagan Administration opposed the rule, but the compromise bill was passed by Congress and signed by the President.
voto pro-ambientalista