1981 Voto de la Tarjeta de Evaluaciones
Byrd (D-WV) - Specter (R-PA) amendment to exempt the Mine Safety and Health Administration from the 4% funding cut in the fiscal year 1982 Continuing Appropriations Resolution. Funding cuts in the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) have proven so disastrous that the Reagan Administration is now asking that $2 million be added back in the 1982 and $15 million in 1983. Reagan changed his mind because of the public outcry after 153 miners were killed in 1981 (the highest total since 1975) and 20 were killed in January 1982 alone (compared to 9 the year before). Fewer mine inspectors have been issuing fewer violation notices, closing fewer mines for safety, and collecting less in fines. The amendment would have restored $6 million for MSHA. Environmentalists support a safe and healthy workplace environment. We cannot in good conscience continue to support deep mining as an alternative to strip mining unless we work to improve conditions in the deep mines. Rejected 38-54; December 11, 1981. YES is the pro-environment vote.
voto pro-ambientalista