1978 Voto de la Tarjeta de Evaluaciones
Outer Continental Shelf amendments H.R. 1614. The vote is on the Treen amendment to delete the requirement that a state must have a federally approved coastal zone management plan before it can receive federal impact funds under the bill. The 1976 Coastal Zone Management Act had provided federal funds to coastal states to help them cope with federal offshore energy development, and under this new bill the money available to states had increased from $50 million to $200 million. But to be eligible the states still had to develop coastal plans which met federal guidelines designed to offer some minimal protection for wetlands and other fragile coastal areas. By removing this requirement the Treen amendment took away the states' main incentive to complete their coastal plans, and gutted the intent of the Coastal Zone Management Act. Most of the state plans have not been completed yet. The Carter Administration opposed the amendment Rejected 159-230. February 2, 1978. NO is the correct vote.
voto pro-ambientalista