1977 Voto de la Tarjeta de Evaluaciones
Clean Air Act II
Cámara Votación Nominal 266
Tema: Transporte, Aire
(H.R. 6161): The vote is on the Preyer substitute for the Dingell amendment (see vote 6) to delay auto emissions compliance schedules one year but to retain the stiff nitrogen oxide standards (.4 grams per mile) and the warranties for emission control devices, assembly line testing requirements and inspection and maintenance regulations for auto emissions in Title II. Since there was no chance of Title II passing intact, this amendment was designed to avoid wholesale destruction of a major part of the Clean Air Act by the Dingell amendment. It allows the auto industry more time to meet emission standards without weakening those standards. Rejected 189-202. May 26, 1977. YES is the correct vote.
es el
voto pro-ambientalista
voto pro-ambientalista
Votos a Favor:
Votos en Contra:
No Votar:
Acción a favor del ambiente
Acción en contra del ambiente
Ausencia (cuenta como negativo)
Ausencia justificada (no cuenta)
Inelegible para votar