Recent Votes
Recent Votes are key environmental votes that will be under serious consideration for inclusion in this year's National Environmental Scorecard.
Roll CallVote NameIssuesVote Date
26Burgum Confirmation (Secretary of the Interior)Public Lands & Oceans, Wildlife, Confirmations01/30/2025
24Zeldin Confirmation (EPA Administrator)Clean Air, Climate Change, Clean Energy, Confirmations01/30/2025
61Overriding the Veto of Undoing the Tailored Buy America Waiver for EV ChargersClean Air, Transportation, Climate Change02/29/2024
Roll CallVote NameIssuesVote Date
25Stifling Public Input and Environmental Review on National ForestsPublic Lands & Oceans, Wildlife, Public Right to Know, Justice & Democracy01/23/2025
448Stifling Public Input and Environmental Review on National ForestsPublic Lands & Oceans, Wildlife, Public Right to Know, Justice & Democracy09/24/2024
440Short Circuiting Environmental Review and Public Input for Computer Chip FactoriesPublic Right to Know, Toxics, Clean Water, Other09/23/2024
435Undermining Protections for Investments and Retirement Savings Facing Climate RisksClimate Change, Dirty Energy, Other09/19/2024
399Anti-Environment Spending PackageAppropriations, Climate Change, Clean Energy, Clean Air, Clean Water, Environmental Justice, Other07/24/2024
397Blocking Funding for Environmental JusticeAppropriations, Environmental Justice, Justice & Democracy07/24/2024
396Cutting Environmental Justice and Efficient Permitting EffortsAppropriations, Environmental Justice, Public Lands and Oceans07/24/2024
394Undermining Efforts to Address International Air Pollution Appropriations, Clean Air, Climate Change07/24/2024
388Blocking Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs at Environmental AgenciesAppropriations, Environmental Justice07/24/2024
384Blocking the Greenhouse Gas Reduction FundAppropriations, Climate Change, Environmental Justice07/23/2024
376Defunding Cost-Saving Clean Energy Research and DevelopmentAppropriations, Clean Energy07/23/2024
335Undermining International Action on ClimateAppropriations, Climate Change, Environmental Justice06/28/2024
333Funding Harmful Border WallAppropriations, Wildlife, Public Lands & Oceans, Justice & Democracy06/28/2024
331Anti-Environment Provisions in Defense Appropriations BillAppropriations, Climate Change06/28/2024
320Blocking Funding for United NationsAppropriations, Climate Change, Justice & Democracy, Agriculture06/27/2024
298Eliminating International Environmental FundingAppropriations, Climate Change, Wildlife, Clean Water, Toxics06/27/2024
293Threatening Families Seeking Pathway to ResidencyAppropriations, Justice & Democracy, Environmental Justice06/26/2024
256Prohibiting Defense Funding for Climate Action and Clean EnergyClimate Change, Clean Energy, Appropriations06/12/2024
254Prohibiting Defense Funding for Electric VehiclesAppropriations, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Transportation06/12/2024
167Perpetuating Dangerous Lead ExposurePublic Lands & Oceans, Environmental Justice, Wildlife04/30/2024
104Repealing Actions On Climate And Environmental JusticeDirty Energy, Clean Air, Climate Change03/22/2024
93Prohibiting Public Health Protections From Oil and Gas DrillingDirty Energy, Clean Air, Climate Change03/20/2024
8Undoing the Tailored Buy America Waiver for EV ChargersClean Air, Transportation, Climate Change01/11/2024