Marco Rubio

2016 Note: Senator Rubio missed a number of votes while campaigning for U.S. President.

2023 Note: Senator Rubio entered a statement into the Congressional Record noting how he would have voted on roll call vote 132, which would have been scored as anti-environment.

Bill Posey

2017 Note: Representative Posey missed multiple votes in September while the state was preparing for and dealing with the devastating impacts of Hurricane Irma.

Gus Bilirakis

2021 Note: It was reported that Representative Bilirakis had COVID-19 and was in quarantine during roll call votes 10 and 11. Proxy voting was not allowed due to the rules governing the Electoral Count Act.

Kathy Castor

2017 Note: Representative Castor missed multiple votes in September while the state was preparing for and dealing with the devastating impacts of Hurricane Irma.

2023 Note: Representative Castor entered a statement into the Congressional Record noting how she would have voted on roll call votes 176, 180, and 182, which would have been scored as pro-environment. She was absent due to a death in her family.

Vern Buchanan

2017 Note: Representative Buchanan missed multiple votes in September while the state was preparing for and dealing with the devastating impacts of Hurricane Irma.
